Category Archives: MSI General

Rifle Range Update

The rifle range is currently closed for all until further notice, we are making some changes.  We will update on the status as we go.  All other ranges remain open at this time.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.

RSO Class Scheduled: Jan 22, 2022

RSO Class Scheduled

January 22, 2022

Club members who want to earn 1.5 times workhours credit by serving as Range Safety Officer (RSO) should attend the NRA certification class on Saturday, January 22, 2022.

Common-sense rules supervised by Range Safety Officers make our shooting sport one of the safest hobbies.

NRA Instructor, Club member and Chief Range Safety Officer Richard “Dick” Reizner will lead the class sharing his 60 plus years of shooting experience. Dick said, “While the information the class provides is important, the RSO’s attitude in passing it on is what really makes the range safe for shooters.”

The session will be held in the Old Clubhouse from 9am-6pm. Previous classes have sold out quickly so early registration is recommended.

MSI Members: $35*
Non-Members: $50

*For MSI Members, the $35 will be refunded after you volunteer 12 hours as an RSO.

For further information, or to register, contact Dick at

(408) 828-3555 or

Annual Meeting: December 7, 2021 at 7:30pm

Hello Members,

Just a reminder to come out Tuesday to the annual meeting.  This is the meeting where you will vote for the next years Officers and Board of Directors. Any member who has  been a member in good standing prior to June 30th 2021, is eligible to vote in this election.

The Officer positiions are running un-opposed: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Sgt At Arms.  We have 14 Nominations for 7 open Director positions.

There is also a proposed By-Law Amendment that you will be voting on as well: