Category Archives: Events

Membership Meeting & Elections: Dec 6, 2022

MSI 2023 officer and board voting will be held on Tuesday December 6th, 2022 at 7:30 PM.

We have new officers and board members running, we also have 3 bylaws changes we will be voting on.

The 3 article amendments we will be voting on 12/06/22 are as follows:
  • Article 4 allows for only the President to call an emergency meeting. Amendment would also allow for any two officers to call an emergency meeting.
  • Article 5 requires a minimum qualification for President and Vice President to have been a club member for 3 years. The amendment would reduce this to 2 years.
  • Article 6 requires that the Treasurer only disperses club funds by check only. The amendment would allow regularly recurring charges to be set up on auto-pay (ie, garbage, electricity)
What we currently have as those bylaws with the changes in bold:
4.4 The President, or any two officers, can call an emergency
board meeting at any time, provided he has attempted to give
at least a 24-hour notice to the other board members, and there
is a quorum of board members present for the meeting.
5.4.4 In order for a nominee to be elected he must receive a simple majority vote of those
members present. Nominees for President and Vice-President must have been
members in good standing of the Club for at least three (3) 2 years to be elected. All
other candidates must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year.
6.4.1 The Treasurer will endeavor to manage the Clubs financial affairs. This
should include but not be limited to collection of all dues, revenues, and any
other income accumulated by the Club. Make deposits of all funds collected
in to the Club’s designated bank accounts. The Treasurer will disburse Club
funds by checks only, with the exception of regularly reoccurring charges
which may be set up on auto-pay as approved by the Board. All checks will
be co-signed by the President, or, in his absence, another authorized Club
Officer. Incomplete checks cannot be signed. The Treasurer will make written
monthly financial reports and read them at the Club’s general meetings,
pay all authorized bills through the 31st of December, and cause the Club’s
financial records to be kept. The out-going Treasurer will turn the
financial records over to the auditing committee at the first meeting in January.
The incoming Treasurer will present the auditing committee’s report for
the previous year to the Club’s membership at the February general
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to one of the board members or message us online via email, facebook, instagram.

Cancellation of Installation Dinner, Jan 2021

Hello MSI Members,

The following email was sent out thursday afternoon regarding the Installation Dinner that was originally scheduled for this saturday, the 16th:

With the newly re-issued stay at home order from the governor, our installation dinner has been cancelled.  If and when things improve on the Covide-19  front we can re-schedule.

For now the dinner is cancelled.

Thanks, Len

New Pistol Venue/Match Aug 15, 2020

Pistol Match

Saturday Aug 15th, safety briefing at 9am @ MSI Cowboy Range

Bring your Center-Fire 6-Shot Double Action Revolvers

Lead or Frangible Target Loads ONLY!!

No Jacketed Ammo or Gas Checks!!

Match Fee: $10

This first match is limited to 20 participants, for additional information click here.  To see if slots are still available and sign up, email Mike Maciel at


2020 Installation Dinner

Welcome to the New Year!!

The installation of this years’ Board of Directors is tomorrow, Saturday 1/18/2020, in the main clubhouse. Members are encouraged to come on out and have some good food and socialize with other members, and maybe learn about a venue that you’re not familiar with ?

Social hour starts at 5pm, dinner at 6pm – the club will be providing Chicken, Tri-Tip, potatoes, salad and drinks, feel free to bring your favorite side or dessert to share.

Hope to see you there!