Category Archives: Cowboy

Cowboy venue posts

Range Safety Officer Class Scheduled: April 24, 2021


Basic common-sense rules supervised by Range Safety Officers make our shooting sport one of the safest hobbies. To help more of our members join that elite group Manteca Sportsman Inc. is sponsoring another official NRA RSO certification class on April 24.

NRA Instructor, Club member and Chief Range Safety Officer Richard “Dick” Reizner will lead the class sharing his 60 plus years of shooting experience. Dick said, “While the information the class provides is important, the RSO’s attitude in passing it on is what really makes the range safe for shooters.”

The session will be held in the Old Clubhouse on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 9am-6pm.

MSI Members: $35*
Non-Members: $50

*For MSI Members, the $35 will be refunded after you volunteer 12 hours as a RSO on either the rifle or pistol range (or both).

Registration forms are available at the range desk.

For further information, contact Dick at (408) 828-3555 or

Two Rivers Posse – Feb 6, 2021

Special thanks to Dakota Gwen for help with posting the scores.  (Actually it was more just doing it than helping!)
19 shooters started a chilly morning that turned into a beautiful day.  Six posse members heard a ‘Clang” for every “Bang.”  Molly Magoo (also top gun for the match!), J.W. Trader, Dragon, Shenandoah, Sintree TuLait and Revered Barry M. Deep.  Speaking of Reverend Deep, it was good to see him, Blind Faith (Mrs. Deep) and Dakota Gwen return to riding with the Posse after long absences.  Welcome back!
Our next match will be February 28.  Hope to see you all there.

Two Rivers Posse – Jan 24, 2021

No rain but a chilly morning greeted our 22 shooters.  Rum Walker had the best time and a clean match, along with J.W. (Birthday Boy) Trader, Wobblin’ Bob, Sintree TuLait, Bobcat Bill, Twisted Dog and Harry Morris.  It was an “Old Guys Rule” day as of the seven clean shooters, two were Silver Seniors, two were Elder Statesmen, one Cattle Barron, one Grand Patron (Way to go Harry Morse!) and one youngster (49er) snuck in.
Our condolences to Patch, whose father passed away during the week.  Our thought and prayers are with you
Our next match is Saturday after next, February 6th.  Hope to see you there.

Wild Bunch – Jan. 3, 2021

Howdy all,
We had 8 brave folks that fought through the fog to get to the range today and shoot Wild Bunch. Good stages by Wolf Taylor and as usual, a fun time was had by all.
Congrats to Gopher Broke for winning the match.
Again, a huge thank you to everyone who pitched in to help move targets yesterday and today to clear the range. All the help was greatly appreciated.
Our next Wild Bunch match will be Feb 7th.

01-03-2021 Wild Bunch

Two Rivers Posse – Jan. 2, 2021

Attached are the scores from our first match of 2021.
In spite of a chilly morning, we had 19 competitors, with Wolf Taylor and Molly Magoo as the top men’s and women’s shooters respectively.  J.W. Trader, Dragon and Bobcat Bill (returning after a long absence) were the only Cowboys to earn Clean Match pins.  The full rainbow at day-break was good sign for them.
Special thanks to Bobcat Bill, Dakota Gwen, Dragon, J.W. Trader, Molly Magoo and Rum Walker for their help in setting up today’s match and to all who helped move steel after match to accommodate next weekend’s Freeze Arse Rendezvous Trail Walk Match.
Our next match is scheduled for January 24th.  Hope to see you all then.
Cowboy 01-02-2021

Tow Rivers Posse – Dec. 27, 2020

Howdy ya’ll,
We had a good turnout today. It turned into a beautiful sunny day and didn’t even have any wind. Good way to end the year. We had quite a few shooters that went home with clean match pins – Cardoso Kid, Rum Walker, J.W. Trader, Wobblin Bob, Sintree Tulait, Shenandoah, Dragon, and German Jim. Good shooting boys.
I’d like to give another BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has been donating their brass cartridges and spent primers. We made another run to the recyclers, and finally had enough saved to order 18 new AR500 targets for the range. It all added up and helped out our club quite a bit. Donations still being accepted and greatly appreciated.
Our next cowboy match will be Saturday the 2nd, and Wild Bunch on the 3rd.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Cowboy 12-27-2020

Two Rivers Posse – Dec 5, 2020

Howdy all,
In spite of it starting out a bit chilly this morning, it turned into a beautiful sunny day to shoot. Welcome back to Wobblin Bob who has missed the last 5 months due to shoulder surgery. He shot the last half of the match with 4 revolvers instead of using a rifle and did great, even shot the match clean, along with Twisted Dog, Shenandoah, and myself. We’ll be back at the range tomorrow for wild bunch.
We spoke to Mudville this morning and he is at home and doing well after his surgery. Slowly getting better.
I hope everyone has a nice Christmas. Our next cowboy match will be Sunday the 27th.
Stay safe.

Cowboy 12-05-2020

Two Rivers Posse – Wild Bunch Updates/Reminders (Nov 2020)

Hey Pards,
I’ve got a few things to cover this time…
First I want to remind everyone that we are shooting this weekend. Cowboy on Saturday, and Wild Bunch on Sunday. If you are able to come play please send me an email with your alias and category. Remember to bring your own pen and exact change. With Covid numbers rising we need to be extra vigilant about distancing, hand washing and trying not to touch more surfaces than you have to. Wear masks if you’re more comfortable when on the range.
I will also start accepting dues for Two Rivers Posse 2021 membership this weekend. We are keeping the fee schedule the same as it has been – $25 for individuals, and $40 for families. The monthly shoots are $10 for members and $15 for non-members. It doesn’t take long for that to pay off. Again – exact change please or a check made out to MSI will be fine.
As many of you already know, Rum Walker and I are resigning as match directors at the end of the year. We’ve been doing it for 8 years now and it’s been a good run but it’s time for fresh horses. We’re passing off the reins. Sintree Tulait has graciously stepped up to take over for the cowboy matches, as has Wolf Taylor for the wild bunch matches. Dragon will remain club president. We’ll still be around to help out and I’m sure the transition will go smooth. I’m sure they’d both appreciate whatever help can be offered if you think of a way you might be able to step up and give a hand.
Last.. Manteca Sportsmen was supposed to hold it’s regular monthly membership meeting tomorrow night with the elections for the club officers and board members. Due to Covid we can’t have that large a group meeting indoors so it has been rescheduled for Sunday January 3rd at 11am on the grass outside the old clubhouse. If you’re a MSI member please plan to attend and vote.
That’s all for now folks. Hope to see ya soon.
Molly Magoo

Two Rivers Posse – Nov. 22, 2020

Howdy all,
Here are the scores from yesterday’s match. Sorry for the delay in getting them out, Rum and I were up at Sac Valley Shooting Center for the Ca State Wild Bunch championship
(great match, if you get a chance you should try to attend next year).
Congrats to J.W. Trader who was the top shooter, and to Sintree Tulait and Shenandoah for shooting the match clean. Our next cowboy match will be Saturday Dec 5th.
I hope everyone has a nice and safe Thanksgiving.

Cowboy 11-22-2020