Author Archives: Tanya Williams

Wild Bunch Shoots January-August 2020

August 2, 2020

Howdy all,
Here are the scores from today’s match. Congrats to Wolf Taylor for winning the match. Hope to see ya’ll back next month.
Take care

08-02-2020 Wild Bunch

July 5, 2020

Hey cowboys,
Here are the scores from today’s Wild Bunch match. Thanks to all you wild bunchers that came out to play.
We had a lot of fun in spite of it gettin a bit toasty by the time we finished.
A special thanks to Beth who came to shoot with us today, having never shot a SASS match before. She did great.
Hope to see ya’ll later this month.

07-05-2020 Wild Bunch

June 7, 2020

Hey cowboys and cowgirls,
It was a great day for shooting at Two Rivers Posse. It was a small group but we all had a good time. None of us managed to hold it together to shoot it clean. The clean match pins will have to wait till next time. Our next cowboy match will be Sunday the 22nd. Hope to see ya there.

06-07-2020 Wild Bunch

March 8, 2020

Hey cowboys and cowgirls,
It was a great day for shooting at Two Rivers Posse. It was a small group but we all had a good time. None of us managed to hold it together to shoot it clean. The clean match pins will have to wait till next time. Our next cowboy match will be Sunday the 22nd. Hope to see ya there.

03-08-20 Wild Bunch

February 2, 2020

Howdy cowpokes,
Here are the scores for today’s WB match. It was a pretty small group…several of us are traveling for Winter Range. Sounds like a good time was had by all though. Thanks to Wolf and JW for taking charge while we’re gone. We’ll be back to join you for the next WB match. See ya on the range.

02-02-20 Wild Bunch

January 5, 2020

What a beautiful sunny day for shootin Wild Bunch. Wolf Taylor wrote some fun fast stages for us. We have a small but commited group. I’d like to thank everyone from yesterday and today that stuck around and helped take all the targets off our stages. The help was really appreciated. Our next cowboy match will be Sunday the 26th. Hope you can make it out.

01-05-20 Wild Bunch

Two Rivers Posse January-August 2020

August 1, 2020

Good afternoon cowpokes,
Here are the scores for today’s match. We had some fast stages with close targets so it went pretty quick. We were done before it got too hot.
Several people earned clean match pins:  Wolf Taylor, J.W. Trader, Miss Chievious, Sweet Cream, Dragon, and myself. We’ll be back for wild bunch tomorrow morning. The next cowboy match will be Sunday the 23rd.
Stay safe, shoot straight.

Cowboy 08-01-2020

July 26, 2020

Hey boys and girls,
We had another great day for throwing lead down range. We were blessed with the company of Jailbreak Jeff back for a visit from his new home in Idaho, and Tracy Kid who hasn’t shot with us in a few years. Good to see ya both. Southpaw Gringo was the top shooter today. Good job buddy.
Those earning clean match pins were Badman Bob, Mudville Slim, and Shenandoah. The rest of us were shooting those dang twisty bullets again.
A big thank you to everyone for doing a good job at social distancing and complying to our COVID guidelines. We gotta keep our cowboy family healthy.
We’ll have our next cowboy match next Saturday the 1st, and wild bunch on Sunday the 2nd. Please email me and let me know if you’re planning on coming. Remember that in August we celebrate Paniolo Days. Hawaiian shirts and shorts are acceptable. Closed toed shoes are required, hats are still recommended (hot brass burns). Sorry we won’t be able to do our usual BBQ this year. We’ll have to make up for it when things get back to normal.
See ya on the range

Cowboy 07-26-2020

July 4, 2020

Well folks it was another great day at the range. 15 cowpokes came out to shoot up our patriotically painted targets (thanks JW and Dragon).
Southpaw Gringo came out on the top of the score board today, congrats cowboy. Those shooting clean matches were San Joaquin Shootist, Shenandoah,Topeka Bull Durham, and myself. We’ll be back out tomorrow morning for some Wild Bunch fun. Our next cowboy match will be
Sunday July 26th. Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Cowboy 07-04-2020

June 28, 2020

Hey cowboys and cowgirls,
We had another great day at the range today. The weather cooperated and gave us a break from the heat.
Congrats to Southpaw Gringo who was our top shooter, and to Rum Walker and San Joaquin Shootist who shot the match clean.
Our next match will be next Saturday July 4th and we’ll have wild bunch on Sunday the 5th.
Hope to see ya out there.

Cowboy 06-28-2020

June 6, 2020

Hey cowpokes,
There’s nothin like a good cowboy match to break up the monotony of sheltering in place.
A big think you to all those that came out to shoot today. It was our 1st match after being shut down for 3 months. It was great to see everyone again. We had a few new procedures to implement but I think it all went well and we had a lot of fun.
Congrats to those earning a clean match pin today – Sintree Tulait, Shenandoah,
Twisted Dog, Rev Barry M Deep, and myself. We’ll be back tomorrow for some Wild Bunch fun. Our next cowboy match will be Sunday June 28th. I hope to see a few more of you back then. Take care. Stay safe.

Cowboy 06-06-2020

March 7, 2020

Howdy ya’ll,
We had a pretty good turnout for a day forecasted to rain. We did have some light rain for a while but we got the whole match in. Even had 6 shooters that shot the match clean. Congrats to Rum Walker, Wobblin Bob, Ricky D, Panhandle Place, Sintree Tulait, and Shenandoah for hitting all the targets. We’ll be back tomorrow for Wild Bunch. Weather is supposed to be nicer. Don’t forget to change your clocks tonight or you might be late. The next cowboy match will be Sunday the 22nd. See ya on the range.

Cowboy 03-07-20

February 23, 2020

Howdy cowpokes,
Here are the scores from today’s match. Congrats to Southpaw Gringo who was the top shooter for the match, and to J.W. Trader and Dragon for shooting the match clean. Thanks to everyone for the help putting on the match while we’re gone to Winter Range. The next cowboy match will be Saturday March 7th. See ya’ll then.

Cowboy 02-23-2020

February 1, 2020

Howdy folks,
Here’s the scores from today’s match. Congrats to Blaz N Bill who was the top shooter and shot the match clean. Also earning clean match pins were Ricky D, Dragon, and Topeka Bull Durham. Thanks to everyone who helped run the match in our absence. Tomorrow morning is Wild Bunch. Wolf should have some fun stages for ya.
The next cowboy match is Sunday Feb 23rd.

Cowboy 02-01-2020

January 26, 2020

Hey cowboys and cowgirls,
Here are the scores from last Sunday’s match 1-26 20. Sorry for the delay in getting these out. Rum and I are out of town. Wolf Taylor was kind enough to get the score sheets from the range today and send em to me.
Congrats to J.W. Trader for being the top shooter, and to Sintree Tulait and Dragon for shooting the match clean.

Cowboy 01-26-2020

January 4, 2020

Howdy shooters,
It was wonderful to get to shoot today in what turned into a beautiful day. No rain in sight. We had 17 cowpokes who came to bring in the new year. 4 shot the match clean – Panhandle Place, Sintree Tulait, Shenandoah, and Rev Barry M Deep. Good shooting cowboys. We’ll be back out tomorrow for Wild Bunch. Grab your 1911’s and come play.

Cowboy 01-04-2020

A note from the club President to our members

A note from the club President…

Since the Club re-opened, the ranges have been very busy.  We are in need of help on both rifle and pistol ranges.  If you are available to assist as a range safety officer, it would be greatly appreciated and you will be helping to protect your club.

Please let me know if you can help out, any day and any time.  All members who help out will receive double work hour credit.


2020 Installation Dinner

Welcome to the New Year!!

The installation of this years’ Board of Directors is tomorrow, Saturday 1/18/2020, in the main clubhouse. Members are encouraged to come on out and have some good food and socialize with other members, and maybe learn about a venue that you’re not familiar with ?

Social hour starts at 5pm, dinner at 6pm – the club will be providing Chicken, Tri-Tip, potatoes, salad and drinks, feel free to bring your favorite side or dessert to share.

Hope to see you there!

3-Venue Fundraiser, Sunday 11/10/19

Our 3rd Annual Veterans Day  Funshoot is coming up this Sunday!  All proceeds from this fundraiser go to Wreaths Across America.  This organization places wreaths on the graves of the veterans at National Cemeteries, our wreaths go to San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery.

The day starts with the High Power Rifle Match, $15 per relay – each relay is about 50 rounds and consists of 4 stages.

About the same time we have the Pistol Funshoot, $5 per relay – each relay is at least 48 rounds and consists of 8 fun stations where you get to shoot various types of targets (there is an extra 9th station that takes extra rounds).

Then starting at noon is the Trap Funshoot, $15 per shooter, try your skills at various shooting games: sliders, wobbles, follow the leader, chips, etc…

This year the members from the Oakdale VFW Aux will be BBQing up some hotdogs and polish dogs for lunch (additional donation), starting at 11am.

Two Rivers Posse Scoresheet 04-06-2019

Hi cowboys and cowgirls,
We had another beautiful day of shooting down by the river. Welcome back to those that we haven’t seen in awhile. Congrats to Steeltown Duke and
J.W. Trader for getting a clang with every bang. We’ll be back tomorrow for Wild Bunch. Grab your 1911’s and come play. Our next cowboy match will be Sunday April 28th. See ya on the range.


Two Rivers Posse Scoresheet 03-24-2019

Hey cowboys and cowgirls,
Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot with us on a beautiful dry day. Congrats to Rum Walker who was our top dog and shot the match clean. Woo Hoo! Also shooting the match clean were Jimmy Frisco, Shenandoah, and Wolf Creek Bodine. Wolf Creek shot his last match with us for awhile as he and his lovely lady are off to a new house and club in Idaho. Happy Trails pard, we’ll see ya up north. Our next match will be on Sat April 6th, and Wild Bunch will be Sun April 7th.