Author Archives: Tanya Williams

Range Safety Officer Class Scheduled

Our sport, the shooting sport, is one of the safest hobbies because of basic common sense rules supervised by Range Safety Officers. To help more of our members join that elite group Manteca Sportsman Inc. is sponsoring an official NRA RSO certification class.

NRA Instructor, Club member and Chief Range Safety Officer Richard “Dick” Reizner will lead the class sharing his 60 plus years of shooting experience. Dick said, “While the information the class provides is important, the RSO’s attitude in passing it on is what really makes the range safe for shooters.”

The two sessions will be held in the Old Clubhouse on February 3rd and 10th from noon to 5:00 PM (must attend both sessions to complete the course).

The cost for club members is $35, for non-members it is $150.

Registration forms are available at the range desk.

For further information, contact Dick at (209) 665-7166 or

Longrifles of the San Joaquin – May 12th Shoot

Hello All,

Here are the scores from the May 12, 2018 shoot.

This was the fiurth shoot for the aggregate awards for 2018.

Shooter Rifle Score Pistol Score Total YTD
Christie Abbott DNS 238
Tony Abbott DNS 446
Bob Barker 121 42 163 612
Mark Barley 133 37 170 661
Rudy Dezzani DNS 384
Larry Iwatate 114 37 151 0
Fred Jones DNS 501
Joe Kroeze DNS 0
Joel Merriam DNS 305
Jerry Smith DNS 404

After four shoots, here are the top 3:

  1. Mark Barley 661
  2. Bob Barker  612
  3. Fred Jones    501


Two Rivers Posse – April shoot, 4/22/18

Hi Cowboys and Cowgirls,

Here are the scores from yesterday’s match. It looks like it was a pretty good turnout since quite a few of our regulars were off shooting the State Wild Bunch. Thanks for coming out. Congratulations to San Joaquin shootist who was the top shooter for the match. It looks like Shenandoah was the only one to get a clang with every bang. Good shootin’ pards. Our next cowboy match will be Saturday May 5th, with Wild Bunch on Sunday the 6th.

See ya on the range. MM

Click here to view the scores:  Two-Rivers-Posse-04-22-2018

Tuesday Work Crew – 02/27/2018

Our Tuesday Morning workcrew has been putting in a ton of effort trying to clear out that giant pile of fallen trees that we had down by the archery range…they split and stacked most of the larger trunks, ending up with I think over 20 pallets stacked with wood, now they are able to get in and start chipping some of the smaller limbs and branches.  Still a bit to go but as the saying goes, Teamwork makes the Dream work!



Long Rifles of San Joaquin – 3/10/18 Shoot Results

Below are the results from the March 10, 2018 shoot:

Shooter Rifle Score Pistol Score Total YTD
Christie Abbott DNS 100
Tony Abbott 120 30 150 277
Bob Barker 120 30 150 284
Mark Barley 150 20 170 319
Rudy Dezzani 70 40 110 218
Larry Iwatate 100 0 100 0
Fred Jones 140 50 190 317
Joe Kroeze DNS 0
Joel Merriam 120 20 140 305
Jerry Smith 110 30 140 264

After two shoots, here are the top 3:

  1. Mark Barley        319
  2. Fred Jones          317
  3. Joel Merriam      305

Our next shoot is April 14.

Two Rivers Posse Scoresheet 02-03-18

Howdy all,
Here are the scores from the February 3rd match. Wolf Taylor entered the scores for me while we’re gone. He sent em out to those that he had addresses for, so this is a duplicate for some of you. Congrats to Southpaw Gringo who was the top shooter for the day, and to Nickel Jim and Rev Barry M Deep for shooting the match clean. The next cowboy match will be Sunday Feb 25th.