Hunter Education

At Manteca Sportsmen Inc.

hunter-educationCalifornia residents who wish to buy a hunting license or provide proof of Hunter Education to other states, must take the California Hunter Education Course and pass the appropriate test.

This course was designed by personnel in the California Department of Fish and Game. It covers the most basic information that people who want to hunt should know. The contents of the course cover topics such as Hunter Responsibility, Wildlife Conservation and Wildlife Management, Firearms and Firearm Safety, Wildlife Identification, Game Care, Specialty Hunting, Water Safety, and Survival and First Aid.

This course is taught once each month. It is a 10 hour course taught in one long day. From 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 PM.

Course Dates:

Special 4 hour Internet (On-Line) Classes: TBD – Check back for schedule.

Prerequisite: None.

Fee: $15.00 per student.

This class usually fills up. To obtain a reserved place in the class or for further information, please call us at (209) 823-7919.