Membership Info

MSI membership has many benefits as well as a few obligations. These are fully explained during the New Member Orientation Class.

The MSI Membership Application Process:

  1. Obtain an application form from the Clubhouse Attendant.
  2. Complete the application form, including getting two Members in good standing and one Board Member to sign your application.
  3. Pay application fee.
  4. Deliver your application to the Vice-President who will present your application to the membership for approval at the next Membership Meeting.
    Note: It is recommended that you attend the Membership Meeting when your application is presented for the Membership vote. You will be asked to introduce yourself and give a brief background statement.
  5. Once voted in, pay the membership fee.
  6. Attend a mandatory New Member Orientation Class. Classes are scheduled with the Vice-President.
  7. Take and pass a range rule / safe gun handling test with at least an eighty percent score.
    Note: Should you not pass the test, you will have an option to retake the class once more.
  8. Once above steps are complete your membership is active.
  9. If applicable, complete the required number of work hours for your membership category (working or non-working) by the end of the year.